Current Projects
Evaluating New Materials and Processes for Radioactive Tank Waste Processing
Workforce Development in f-Element Chemistry, Nuclear Chemical Engineering, and Supply Chain Management (NuChemE Pipeline) | DOE Grant
The purpose of this interdisciplinary and multi-university study is to analyze the supply chain of rare earth materials and support the development of future engineers with Supply Chain management skills.
Spaceport Benchmarking Study
The purpose of this study is to benchmark and rank spaceports across the United States using various analytical methods. An exciting study considering the heterogenicity of US spaceports and the nascency of this industry.
Native American Agricultural Fund 2022
In collaboration with the American Indian Business Enterprise (AIBE) Center, the Center for Supply Chain Management And Analytics will provide services in resilience-based supply chains to Native American farmers/ranchers. Our Support includes Supply Chain Analysis, Inventory forecasting, and Business Analytics.